
Your Home Page template allows up to 6 content sections, along with the Welcome Text section, to be assigned to a page. These sections can contain basically anything that a page contain (text, images, etc). These sections will display under the main content of the page. Not all of the sections need to be used and can be changed when ever you would like different content on the homepage.
*NOTE - There are 4 predefined monklet options that can be used in these sections and are outlined below.
Section Fields
In order to edit sections, you will need to first navigate to CONTENT > Sections > Click on the name of the section you wish to edit.
Once you are on the Section Edit page, you should see a screen that looks similar to the image above. Below is a description of the different fields you see in the image:
#1 - Name: This is the name of the section and is not displayed on the website anywereh
#2 - Description: This is an optional field that is mostly used for SEO.
#3 - Category: This is used for internal orgaization/permissions only. It is an optional field.
#4 - CONTENT: This is the main content block and resembles the content/styles of the page content. Often times sections use Monklets or Forms and you can add in a Monklet or a Form by clickling on the Insert button in the tool bar and then selecting the monklet or form you wish to us in that section.
#5 - BACKGROUND COLOR (HEX): This field allows you to designate a specific background color that this section will have. You will need to use the hex code of the color and you can find hex codes here.
#6 - Background Image: This serves as the section background image. This image should be 1,600px in width by the desired height (for retina images you can use 3,200px in width). The height will depend on the amount of content in the section. A recommended height would be between 600px and 1,200px (double for retina).
#7 - Dark Background: This is not used on this theme.
#8 - Parallax Background: This option turns the background image into a parallax background.
NOTE: If the section does not have a Background Image or Background Color assigned, the section will have a background color that is the same as the "Body Background" color in the Color Picker.
Section Monklet - Featured Aticles
This section is desinged to display the 3 most recent Articles that have been published as featured and that have also been given the category of "Stories".
You can change which category it will pull from by updating the monklet call in the section editor (see below). Make sure your category name is not capitalized in the monklet call and if your category name is more than 1 word you will need to create a "Slug" (which is a web-friendly version of a title). You can create a slug by using this tool:

If you are having trouble with this, feel free to contact your Onboarding Specialist or our Support Team for assistance.
Section Monklet - Featured Events
This section is desinged to display the 3 most Events, that have been published as featured, that are soonest to happen.
The current example displays the featured events monklet in a section with background image assigned.
It also has 2 buttons in the content editor that link to the Events page and to the events that are given the category of "Family". These buttons can be eliminated entirely or edited to your liking.
Section Monklet - Recent Sermon
This section is designed to display the most recent sermon.
The current example displays the sermon monklet in a section. The background image is not assigned in the section but is instead the image that is assigned to the most recent sermon in the Media tab of the Sermon Editor. The background image is designed to be a parallax background and also has a semi-transparent color overlay, which is associated with the "Link Alt2 Color" option in the color picker.
If no image is assigned to the sermon, it will just have a solid background color.
This section is designed to display the most recent blog post that is published as featured. The current example displays the featured post monklet in a section. The parallax background image at the top of the section is pulled in from the IMAGE field of the blog post editor.
Welcome Text
This section is designed to display between your sites navigation and the Header Image/Rotator/Background Video space. It uses is designed to pull in text from the content editor and will automatically center everything. You are free to add things like Headings, Links, Buttons, etc. but keep in mind that the more things are added, the longer this section will become.