Subpage Default Monklets
Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages. There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your sidebar sections.
You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".
Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. provides details on using these parameters.
You can use one of the inline find parameters such as the find_category parameter to display a items from a specific category. Once the monklet has been inserted you will manually type in a pipe after the monklet name followed by the find_category= and then enclose the category slug in quotes. A slug is the name of an item in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces eg. My Category would have a slug of my-category. The find_group parameter works in the same way.
Example - {{sidebar-monklet-featured-article|find_category="stories"}}
Monklets that are defined with "Sidebar Monklet" in the title can only be inserted into the content area of a sidebar section.

Sidebar Monklet - Featured Article
This monklet will display the most recent article published as featured. The find_category or find_group inline paramter can be used as needed.

Sidebar Monklet - Featured Events
This monklet will display the 3 most recent events published as featured. The find_category of find_group inline parameter can be used as needed.

Sidebar Monklet - Featured Post
This monklet will display the most recent blog post from all blogs that is published as featured. You can use the find_catgegory or find_group inline parameter as needed.

Sidebar Monklet - Icon Buttons
This monklet will display links from a link list as custom buttons with an optional icon next to the text.
- Create a link list with each link list item containing a name and url. The icon class is optional and if added will display the icon next to the button text.
- Create a section and inser this monklet.
- Once the monklet is inserted into the section you will add the inline find parameter to define which link list to use (created in step 1) eg. {{sidebar-monklet-icon-buttons|find="welcome-links"}}.

Sidebar Monklet - Recent Sermon
This Monklet displays the most recent sermon. The video option takes priority and if no video is assigned the audio verbiage and link will dsiplay. You can use the find_catgegory or find_group inline parameter as needed.