Events Template


To make changes, navigate to Content > Events.

This template uses Event Layout 3 from our layouts site. This layout uses 1 page inside of the Pages Module (Content > Pages) to work and it has already been assigned to a page.

The most recent featured events will display on the landing section with links to the each event, and separate links are available for viewing the full events list and full calendar.

The initial view of your Events page will display your upcoming events that are published as "Featured". It is important to use good quality photos for featured events, so this page will look as nice as possible.

Events List

The next option for viewing events is the list view, where all events are presented vertically, starting with the most recent. Users can easily filter the list using the category drop-down.

Full Calendar

The third option for events is the traditional calendar view. This is a good way to get an overview of the month for the entire church, and users can click on any event for more information. 

Event Detail Page

When an event is clicked on, the user will be directed to the Event Details page, which will show all the information for the event and an option to add the event to their personal calendar. If the RSVP option is enabled, this will be available on the Event Details page, too.

Managing Events

  1. Events: This is a list of all the events with some basic information. Events can be organized by Event, Start Date, and Status.
  2. Calendar: This is a calendar view of all of your events. This view is where you can edit specific occurrences (for example: cancel youth group for one night). 
  3. RSVPS: This gives you a list of all the RSVPS for your events and can be organized by name, event, email, guests, or RSVP date. A member of the Ekklesia 360 team will need to enable this for you if you wish to use the RSVP functionality.
  4. Discounts: Only used if RSVP is enabled
  5. Categories: As an event is created, it can be put into any category. This is useful to organize events and can be managed on this page. It also makes it easier for the site user to find the event they are looking for.
  6. Coordinators: This lists the event coordinators and how many events they are coordinating. You can also link a Coordinator to the person's corresponding Member profile if you wish to do so.
  7. Edit Selected Events: This allows you to edit or delete any selected event. This is a way to edit/delete events in bulk.
  8. Add A New Event: Allows you to add a new event.

All event images should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px by 576px is the recommended size).