Home Page Editing
To begin editing your home page, go to Content > Pages > INDEX

1. Title
Unlike most other pages, you cannot change the title of the home page.
2. URL
This is the url location of the page—because this is a home page, do not add to or change the URL.
3. Description
A description of the home page in sentence form that helps with SEO. Give a nice summary of your church or organization that will be displayed in search engine results.
4. Content
This theme does not use the content editor for the home page—instead, Sections are used to add content to the home page.
6. Header Video
Using this field will replace the background image with a background video. The video must be MP4/H264 formatted video and should have a 16:9 aspect ratio. The background video is a looping/muted video with no controls so the video should be kept short in size/length.
Note: The header image is still used for mobile and will display on a desktop computer while the video is loading. We recommend using the first still of the video as the header image.
7. Header Image
A header image can be added to your home page and subpage templates, which will display at the top of the page. Within the header image field, you can choose a file from the Media area or upload a new image. The home page header images should be 1680 x 720 pixels.
Note: Because the image is responsive and will change depending on screen size, it is reccommended that the image does not include text.
8. Rotator
Choose the desired rotator that will display at the top of the page. Within the Rotator module, you can add a caption and link for each slide. Rotator images should be 1680 x 720 pixels.
Help Article: Rotators
9. Template
The home page should always use the index.php template.
10. Sections
All of the home page content is managed through sections that show up as horizontal blocks of content on the page. As many as eight different sections can be assigned to the home page—in any order you choose. Take a look at the next section of this Guide for more information on managing Sections.
Help Article: Sections Overview