Homepage Monklets


Note: For additional information about using monklets, check out our help article here. For help with inline parameters, check our help article here.

Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages.  There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your sidebar sections.

You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting

Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet"

Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to define items from a specific group, category, etc.  You can use one of the inline "find" parameters such as the "find_category" parameter to display items from a specific category. Example: {{section-monklet-featured-articles|find_category="stories"}}

These monklets were designed to be used on Trotter's homepage, but can be used in other full width sections throughout your site! You can find other section monklets included on your theme HERE.

Section Monklet - Next Steps

Next Steps

This monklet will display a row of 3 images/buttons from a link list. If images are not used, then a simple list of buttons will display (up to 4). The list of items can be setup under Content > Link Lists, and the name, link and image fields are used for each item.

When using this monklet, you will need to use the "find" parameter to tell the monklet which link list to display. An example would look like this: {{section-monklet-next-steps|find="next-steps-links"}}

Section Monklet - Latest Sermon

Latest Sermon

This monklet will display the most recent sermon, and there are two versions available:

  • Section Monklet - Latest Sermon -> displays the article details on the left and image on the right (this is the default setup on the homepage)
  • Section Monklet - Latest Sermon Left Image -> displays the image on the left and article details on the right

This monklet will display the most recent sermon with the sermon details on the left and image on the right. If you want to display the latest sermon from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed. 

Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a sermon from the category "Prayer":  {{section-monklet-latest-sermon|find_category="prayer"}}

Note about the sermon image: this monklet will pull the image loaded for the latest sermon; however, because the monklet uses a square orientation for the image spot, the sides of the image will cut off. You can specify a different image for this spot by using the "square image option" field. If this field is blank, then this will default to the standard image loaded for the sermon.

Section Monklet - Latest Article

Latest Article

This monklet will display the most recent article, and there are two versions available:

  • Section Monklet - Latest Article Left Image -> displays the image on the left and article details on the right (this is the default setup on the homepage)
  • Section Monklet - Latest Article -> displays the article details on the left and image on the right

If you want to display the latest article from a specific group or category, you can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed. 

Here is an example of what this would look like if you wanted to display a sermon from the category "Prayer":  {{section-monklet-latest-article-left-image|find_category="prayer"}}

Section Monklet - Latest Post

Latest Blog Post

This monklet will display the most recent blog post, and there are two versions available:

  • Section Monklet - Latest Post -> displays the blog post details on the left and image on the right (this is the default setup on the homepage)
  • Section Monklet - Latest Post Left Image -> displays the image on the left and blog post details on the right

Note: you must use the "name" inline parameter to define which blog to pull from. Here is an example of what this would look like: {{section-monklet-latest-post|name="our-blog"}}

Section Monklet - Church Map

Church Map

Included in the Next Visit portion of the homepage is the Church Map monklet, which displays a map with marker from a specific church entry (People > Churches). Note: you must use the find inline parameter to define which church entry pull from.

You can see a monklet example here: {{section-monklet-church-map|find="church-name"}}

For the default homepage setup, this monklet is setup in the "Home Visit - Column 3" section.