Staff Monklet
The Staff Monklet is an easy way to present a list of church staff on just about any subpage within the site. When editing the Staff page, you'll notice that a Staff Monklet has been inserted into the page content. It looks like this: {{staff-monklet}}
The Staff Monklet utilizes Groups to pull information from the People Module. This monklet displays all members who are assigned to the "Staff" group.
Help Video: Staff Monklet

Creating the Staff List
To get started, go to Content > People > Members and select "Add a New Member."
When setting up a new member, make sure they have the "Staff" group assigned, in order for them to display them on the Staff Page. This can be done when you are first adding the member.

Or you can assign the group to an existing member.
Once the member is added, the "profile" tab is where you can details for the person, such as name, postition, image, contact information, as well as an 'About Me' paragraph.
Recommended Image Size: 220 x 220 pixels
As you add each new staff member keep in mind that it's best to have the same information available for each member, so that the page content will be consistent. It's also a good idea to use photos with the same format/style for each member.