The footer has three columns with special content areas that can be adjusted to match your church. Let's take a look at how these pieces are managed:
1. About Our Church
The logo image and the church mission text are both editable under People > Churches. Update the logo image by using the "Footer Logo" field and edit the mission text by using the "Description" field.
The footer logo image should be a one-color, transparent .PNG file:.
Recommended Image Size: 140 x 75 pixels

Note: The "About Our Church" title for this first column is hard coded. If you need this changed, please contact your onboarding specialist or our support team.
2. Sermon Tags
Managed under Content > Sections > Footer - Column 2.
Within this section, the "Description" field controls the footer title for this column, and the "Content" field contains a monklet to pull in the sermon tags:
If you do not want to use the default sermon tag setup, feel free to remove the monklet and add your own content. If the "content" field is blank, this column will be removed from the footer altogether.

Note: The section name (Footer - Column 2) is for internal use, so please make sure this doesn't change.
If you are using the sermon tags, the boxes are auto-generated and populated by the "keywords" entered for new sermons (Content > Sermons), so it's a good idea to make sure to add keywords when publishing new sermons. Clicking on any of the sermon tags in the footer will take the user to a list of sermons that include the selected keyword.
Important Note: In order for the tag links to work properly, you will need to add your sermon page into a special Link List called "Main Sermon Page" (managed under Content > Link List > Main Sermon Page).

3. Twitter
The Twitter feed will display the latest tweets from your church's account. Under People > Churches, you can enter your account name in the "Twitter Name" field.
The section itself is managed under Content > Sections > Footer - Column 3.
Within this section, the "Description" field controls the footer title for this column, and the "Content" field contains a monklet to pull in the Twitter feed:
If you do not want to use the default Twitter feed setup, feel free to remove the monklet and add your own content. If the "content" field is blank, this column will be removed from the footer altogether.

Note: The section name (Footer - Column 3) is for internal use, so please make sure this doesn't change.