Default Template
This template is your basic page layout for most general-purpose interior pages of the website. It features a two-column layout with a main content area and a sidebar.
Images placed inside the main content area that are intended to display at full-width should be 707 pixels wide (height can vary). If you'd like the image to always span the full width of the content container, add the "responsive-image" class to the image.
Using This Template
To create a new page, navigate to Content > Pages > Add a New Page.
In the TEMPLATE field, select "Subpage Default."
Next, add your content, and once you're ready, change from "draft" mode to "publish."

Sidebar Sections & Monklets
The Subpage Default template includes a right-hand sidebar. At the top of the sidebar is a sub-navigation area that shows the location of the current page, as well as any lower-level pages. The area beneath the sub-navigation is managed by assigning Sections to the sidebar dropdowns in your page settings (see above image). The sections will list down the sidebar of your page in the order they are specified in the dropdowns.
Your sections are managed under Content > Sections, and you will see a list of pre-made sidebar sections included with your site. You can also create your own with the "Add a New Section" button.
Within the sections, this theme includes several pre-built monklets that can be used to easily add dynamic content to the page sidebar. Here are the available monklets for your sidebar sections:
Sidebar Monklet - Featured Article
This monklet displays the latest article published as "featured", with the article image, title, author, date, media links and a "View All Articles" button.

Sidebar Monklet - Latest Sermon
This monklet pulls in the latest, published sermon with the sermon graphic, title, speaker, date, passage, series, media links, and a "View All Sermons" button.

Sidebar Monklet - Recent Posts
This monklet presents a list of the three mosts recent blog posts, along with a "View More" button.

Sidebar Monklet - Upcoming Events
Use this monklet to display a list of the next three published events on your calendar, along with a "View More Events" button.

Help Articles: Monklets and Inline Parameters
Note: The style guide page that comes with your theme will display all available sidebar sections: