
The home page template has the option for up to 3 content sections in 3 different rows (9 total sections). These sections can display custom monklets or section content.
*NOTE - Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content into the sidebar (eg. sermons, events, etc.).
Home - Latest Series

Content > Section > "Home - Latest Series"
This section contains the monklet "latest-series-home", which displays the current sermon series title/image.
Home - Latest Message

Content > Section > "Home - Latest Message"
This section contains the monklet "latest-message-home", which displays the most recent sermon published as featured. If the sermon has a video that uses embed code (Vimeo or YouTube) a play button will display over the image that will replace the image with the video when selected.
The section more link and title create the more button eg. "Past Messages".
Home - Upcoming Events

Content > Section > "Home - Upcoming Events"
This section contains the monklet "upcoming-events-home", which displays the 3 most recent events published as featured.
The section more link and title create the more button eg. "Full Calendar".
Home - Latest Posts

Content > Section > "Home - Latest Posts"
This section contains the monklet "latest-posts-home", which displays the most recent post published as featured for all blogs.
The all posts button is automatically created.
Home - Latest News

Content > Section > "Home - Latest News"
This section contains the monklet "latest-news-home", which displays the most recent article published as featured.
The section more link and title create the more button eg. "All News".
Home - Featured Banner

Content > Section > "Home - Featured Banner"
This section contains the monklet "featured-banner-home", which displays a featured link from a link list. To define which link list to use place a separator after the name of the monklet "|" followed by the find ="" and the slug of the link list. The slug is the name of the link list in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces.
The link description will display on top of the image background. Images will be displayed as a background and are 333px by 360px .
Example monklet:
*NOTE - This only supports 1 link and the first link will be the only item displayed.
Home - Featured Sections

Content > Section > "Home - Featured Sections"
This section contains the monklet "featured-sections-home", which displays 2 featured links from a link list. To define which link list to use place a separator after the name of the monklet "|" followed by the find ="" and the slug of the link list. The slug is the name of the link list in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces.
The link name and description will display next to the image. Images will be displayed as a background and are sized to 166px by 181px.
Example monklet:
*NOTE - This only supports 2 links and the first 2 links will be the only items displayed. Text for the description field should be kept to maximum of about 40 characters.
Home - Countdown

Content > Section > "Home - Countdown"
This section contains a single div tag with the id "countdown". This div tag is required in the section to display the countdown timer.
The timer uses events assigned in the events module to the category "Live Event" and will use the most recent event in this category to countdown from.
The section more link and title create the top link eg. "Join Us For Church Online".
Example HTML:
<div id="countdown"> </div>