Subpage Sidebar

Your subpage default allows up to 5 content sections to be assigned to a page and can contain text, images, monklets, etc.
*NOTE - Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content into the sidebar (eg. sermons, events, etc.).
Sidebar Sections

Content > Sections
The sections have custom fields to help customize the output.
- Section Title - This is used to label the custom section heading.
- Section Title Link - Placing a url/link in this field will link the section heading.
- More Link - This is a link for specific monklet sections that have an option for the user to see more information (see below)
- More Link Title - The more link title
Sidebar Monklet Sections

There are 5 pre-defined sections that contain custom monklets for your site.
Sidebar - Latest Series : This sections displays the current series title/image.
Sidebar - Latest Message : This sections displays the most recent sermon from the sermons module. If the sermon has a video that uses embed code (Vimeo or YouTube) a play button will display over the image that will replace the image with the video when selected. Sections with this monklet can use the more link and title to create the more button eg. "Past Messages".
Sidebar - Upcoming Events : This section displays the 3 most recent events from all of the events module. Sections with this monklet can use the more link and title to create the more button eg. "Full Calendar".
Sidebar - Latest News : This section displays the most recent article from the articles module. Sections with this monklet can use the more link and title to create the more button eg. "All News".
Sidebar - Latest Posts : This section displays the most recent post from all of the site blogs. The all posts button is automatically added.