Home Featured
There are a number of sections that can be edited on the homepage.
Homepage Featured Overview
There are 3 sections that can be edited on the homepage. The Featured Links Section, The Latest Semon section, and the Featured Footer area. Instructions on updating these various sections are included below.
Featured Links
The Featured Links section can be edited by navigating to Content > Link Lists > "Home Featured Links". For best display it is recommended that no more than 4 items are included in this section.
The Title field corrosponds to the bold title that is displayed on the site. The Description field corrosponds to the subtle description underneath the title. The link indicates where each item links to.
Latest Sermons
The Latest Sermon section is dynamically generated based on the most recently published sermon under the Sermons Module. This can be accessed by navigating to Content > Sermons. The media icons will appear when the associated media has been uploaded to a given sermon.
Featured Footer
The Featured Footer Section is editable by navigating to Content > Pages > "INDEX". Toward the bottom of the page, under the area "Sections" there are three editable sections, Featured Footer 1, 2 and 3. Select which section you would like to display here.
By default the Follow Us, Ministry News, and Coming Events Sections display. See the "Sections" section of the setup guide for more information on editing this content.