Ministry Platform Overview


The Ministry Platform backend integration allows you to sync public events, small groups, volunteer opportunities and members over to these modules in the cms. Only specific fields will sync over to the website backend, so please check out the info below for more details.

With this integration, your MP data will re-sync to the website every 15 minutes.

NOTE: This integration is only available at the Pro plan level. Please contact your project manager or the E360 support team for more info.

NOTE: small group and volunteer layouts would need to be purchased in order to use those integration options. Please contact your website specialist or project manager for more info.


You can either follow the steps below to link your account to the CMS or contact your project manager for assistance.

Go to Admin > Site > "More Menu" link at the top right > "Integrations" tab in the sidebar

Under the section labeled "Ministry Platform", fill in the client ID, client secret and domain. The domain for your Ministry Platform portal (no https included), ex:

The credentials you set up will need to have full admin privileges and we recommend setting up a generic login (like Username Website CMS or Integration). If you use a personal login and someone changes their password down the line — the integration will break.

Additional Fields

Sync events, groups, opportunities and members - this will enable your MP data to pull over for the respective module, so only check the data you want synced to the cms.

Include categories in sync - you can choose to sync over categories for each area. This will pull into the module as your category list.

Include coordinator/leader/author - you can choose to sync over the contacts for each record related to the different modules

Sync all members/members belonging to a specific attribute - with the member sync, you can choose to pull over all members in MP or just member assigned to a specific attribute. You can then choose fro a dropdown list to select the attribute

Events Integration

Your public Ministry Platform events will pull into the website under Events > Events. When an event is synced, you will see this info stated at the top of the settings screen for the specific event: 

This event is synced with Think Ministry!

The fields synced with Think Ministry have been made read-only below. They can be edited in Think Ministry, and the changes will appear here on the next sync.


  • All events are synced as one-time events. Recurring events are not supported, so each recurrence will sync as an individual event
  • Events are only synced one year into the future, in order to keep syncing quick and stable

Fields Synced

Below is a list of fields synced from Ministry Platform and the corresponding fields where the data will pull in the Events module in the CMS. The fields that are synced will show greyed out in the events module and cannot be edited in the cms, since the data is pulling from MP (see image below). Fields that are not synced can be manually updated in the events module, if needed.

Ministry Platform Field

CMS Events Field


Event Title Name

Event Type, Program, Ministry, Program Type Category These fields are all used to sync over as categories
Event Start Date

Start Date

Event End Date End Date
Primary Contact Coordinator Will only be included if the Member Sync is enabled
Location Location
Features on Calendar Featured Event This field indicates if an event is published as featured
External Registration URL External Registration Link
Registration Start Start Time
Registration End End Time
Registration Active Allow Registration
Document Notes If a document is attached to an event, this will sync to the "notes" field
Image Image

Fields with the red asterisk will be synced from MP. You can also manually add additional categories once an event is synced to the website, if needed.

Small Groups Integration

Your public MP small groups will pull into the website under Events > Small Groups. When a group is synced, you will see this info stated at the top of the settings screen for the specific small group.

This small group is synced with Think Ministry!

The fields synced with Think Ministry have been made read-only below. They can be edited in Think Ministry, and the changes will appear here on the next sync.

Fields Synced

Here is a list of synced fields for the small groups module. The fields will be locked in the cms and show as read only, since the data is pulling over from Ministry Platform.

Ministry Platform Field

CMS Small Groups Field Notes
Group Name Name

Group Type, Ministry, Life Stage, Group Focus, Parent Group CMS Category
These fields are all used to sync over as categories

Childcare Provided Childcare Provided

Image Image
Offsite Meeting Address
Meeting Day ID Day of the week

Start Date Start Date
End Date End Date
Meeting Time
Start time
Meeting Time will only sync if its value has a valid time format. End time will not be synced.
Meeting Frequency Frequency
Group is Full Status
Primary Contact
Primary Contact
Will only be included if the Member Sync is enabled
Congregation Site Groups The campus assigned in MP will pull into the cms as the campus group assigned to your group. The campus group on the website and the campus name in MP need to match.

Opportunities Integration

Your public MP opportunities will pull into the website under Content > Articles. When an opportunity is synced, you will see this info stated at the top of the settings screen for the specific article.

This opportunity is synced with Think Ministry!

The fields synced with Think Ministry have been made read-only below. They can be edited in Think Ministry, and the changes will appear here on the next sync.

Fields Synced

Here is a list of synced fields for the articles module. The fields will be locked in the cms and show as read only, since the data is pulling over from Ministry Platform.

Ministry Platform Field

CMS Article Field
Opportunity Title Title
Description Description
Program ID Category
Contact Person Author Will only be included if the Member Sync is enabled
Opportunity Date, Publish Date
Date Either field can be used to populate the date
Image Image
Notes Notes

Member Sync

If this option is selected in the integration settings, then members will sync over to the cms under People > Members. You can choose to sync over all member or only those assigned to a specific attribute in Ministry Platform. 

When a member is synced, you will see this info stated at the top of the settings screen for the specific article.

This user is synced with Think Ministry! 

Fields Synced

Here is a list of synced fields for the members module. The fields will be locked in the cms and show as read only, since the data is pulling over from Ministry Platform.

Ministry Platform Field
CMS Member Field
First Name First Name Under account info
Last Name Last Name Under account info
Email Address Email Address Under account info
Date of Birth Birth date Under member profile
Mobile Phone Cell Phone Under member profile
Company Phone Work Phone Under member profile
Image Photo Under member profile
Facebook Account Facebook Username Under member profile
Twitter Account Twitter Username Under member profile
Web Page Website URL Under member profile