Common Terms

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All custom designs from small changes to your theme or creating your entire custom website, you will work with one of our designs. 

Phases Include:

  1. Kick Off
  2. Mockups
  3. Feedback


Design Kick-Off Call

On this call, you will meet the designer(s) who will work on your custom designs. Typically, the designer will have sent an email in Basecamp to schedule the call, and also post a few questions to help prepare. On the call, you will discuss project goals, your design aesthetic, and how the project will be laid out.

Design Timeline

Your designer will set up dates within the Basecamp Calendar showing when mockups will be posted, and when feedback is needed to finish each round of revisions. Meeting these milestones will ensure that your design project will finish on time, and the project build can start on schedule.


These are dates assigned within in the Basecamp Calendar. Milestones assigned to the designer show when design mockups will be posted. Milestones assigned to you or your teammates show when feedback is due. Email reminders will be sent from Basecamp reminding you of upcoming milestones.


JPG files showing the custom designs for your project.


Once you are given design mockups, you will need to review the design and provide feedback. Typically, each custom design has 2-3 rounds of feedback/revisions before completion. You can add your feedback to the Basecamp message for the specific design, or have a call with your designer to provide feedback.

Layouts / Templates

Each page to your site is assigned to a Layout (ex: Home page, Sub page, Blob List, New Here page). Each theme comes with a number of Layouts, we also have many options available on our Layout Site, and your project may also include custom Layouts.


These are blocks of content that do not stand alone and must be included in a Page.

Learn More about how to create and manage sections.

This is a column of content on the left or right side of a Layout. On a Sub page, the sidebar typically houses your subnavigation and sidebar Sections.

The site structure for the pages within the heirarchy of your website.

Learn more about setting up your navigation by adding parent and children items.

Primary Navigation

The top level pages on your site. These are shown listed out in your header, or within a mobile menu. More about navigation

Subnavigation (also called child navigation) items are listed under the primary navigation. These pages will typically show in the sidebar of a subpage, and within the primary navigations drop-down menu.  

Next Steps

A page focused on showing key ways to be engaged within your church. Each step has a defined call to action so visitors can connect and take their next step (ex: Join a small group).

CTA’s (Calls to Action)

Each page should have a clear call to action button or link. Use the content on each page to achieve a goal (ex: sign up, learn more, contact us, listen to the sermon).

Landing / List View & Detail View

Many types of content need to be displayed in the form of a List and Detail. List and Detail layouts use modules within the CMS (Sermons, events, blogs, and articles).

List View

The list view will typically include some options to filter results, as well as a  listing of links (ex: Blog posts, Sermons).

Detail View

Clicking on any of the items within the list will take you to the detail view with more information about that specific item. The detail pages are automatically generated by content you add to each listing. Detail pages do not count against your page count.


Rotators (also called “sliders” or “banners” are typically on a site’s homepage, or the top of subpages. They show multiple images and can link to other areas of the site. Many sites can display a looping video in their rotator.

Learn more about creating and adding rotators.

Styles/Style Guide

This guide is typically laid out on your site’s subpage. The page will show all the ways you can style content in Ekklesia 360. This includes heading styles, blockquotes, buttons, columns, forms etc.


Each site has 6 heading styles (H1-H6).

Links, typically in the header area of your website, placed to provide quick access to a commonly used page (ex. Events). Quick-links are outside of the navigation of your site.