
The home page template has the option for up to 4 content sections that display below the rotator/icon links. These sections work similar to the sidebar sections and can display monklets or normal page content.
Sections currently available for your home page:
Home - Featured Links : This section displays all links from the link list "What to Expect". Displays best with 3 links.
Home - Latest Message : This sections displays the most recent sermon from the sermons module.
Home - Upcoming Events : This section displays the 2 most recent events from all of the events module.
Home - Recommended Resources : This section displays all links from the link list "Recommended Resources". Displays best with 3 links. ***NOTE - Event Images are resized to 500px by 265px and scale responsively.
Content Section Fields

To edit sections, navigate to CONTENT > Sections. Below is a some explanation of some the the files that you can use for each section:
Content - This is the main content block and can use the custom monklets or normal page content.
Dark Background - Selecting this checkbox displays the text in a white color.
Image - Images assigned to this field display behind the content with a parallax/page scroll effect at the desktop view. This means the background image is fixed and the the interior content will scroll over the background image as the user moves down the page. This effect requires the image to be fixed to the users screen, which means it might get cropped at times, based on the size of the screen the site is being viewed on. The recommended image size is 2600px wide by 870px high. Also, note that you will need to select the "Dark Background" checkbox for most images.
Section Title - This is used to label the custom section heading.