Events #3
Manage Events
This template uses Events Layout 3 from our layouts site.
To make changes, navigate to CONTENT > EVENTS
Detailed event help can be found at
- Events: This is a list of all the events with some basic information. Events can be organized by Event, Start Date, and Status.
- Calendar: This is a calendar view of all of your events. This view is where you can edit specific occurances (for example: cancel youth group for one night).
- RSVPS: This gives you a list of all the RSVPS for your events and can be organized by name, event, email, guests, or RSVP date.
- Discounts:
- Categories: As an event is created, it can be put into any category. This is useful to organize events and can be managed on this page.
- Coordinators: This lists the event coordinators and how many events they are coordinating.
- Edit Selected Events: This allows you to edit or delete any selected event.
- Add A New Event: Allows you to add a new event.
Once your events are created and organized, the congregation can view your events by visiting the events tab. On the first page all events that you selected as a "Feature Event" will show up. It is important that you select good quality photos for the featured events for this page to look as nice as possible.
The next way to view the events is a list. The events will be listed in order of date. The best part about this view is that a user may sort the events using the catagories drop down or search for a particular event.
The last event view is calendar. This is a good way to get an overview of the month for the church and members can click on an event to go to that page. When an event is clicked on it will show all the information availalbe for the event as long as buttons to RSVP (if applicable) and to add to their personal calendar.

Help site: Video - Add an Event