Home Rotator
The image slider located on the home page allows visitors to view banners that can link them to specific areas of your site.
Image Rotator Overview
The home page rotator is a slideshow of images that are updated from the rotator "Homepage". The Rotator module is located under Media > Rotators
To add a new image click "Add a New Slide". In order for the slide to display, you must specify both the title and link fields

Rotator Size and Details
The reccomended image size is: 1440px x 575px.
We also reccomend for page load speed, that all image files be uploaded as JPGs. If you are creating your rotator images using photoshop, make sure to Save for Web & Devices, select JPG, and optimize quality to an acceptable level. We reccomend one specific image not exceed 150kb in size.

To edit or add a new rotator, go to MEDIA > ROTATORS. To display a rotator on the home page, the rotator title will need to be called 'Homepage'
Rotator for the Home Page
Your homepage rotator will automatically show up. Do not select a rotator in the index page since the rotator is automatically loaded for your home page.
