Subpage Default
The 'Subpage Default' page template is the default template for all new pages created.

SubpageĀ Header Image
The Subpage Default supports header images. The header image will have a center focus throughout each device that it is viewed on. It has a set height of 300 pixels.
Recommended Subpage Header Image: 1100 x 300 pixels

To edit the Subpapge Header Image, navigate to Content > Pages > click to edit your page > 'Header Image'

Sidebar Navigation
The sidebar navigation will show the first, second and third level navigation items.
This sidebar is not able to be turned off by users, but contact support if you would like to have a new fullwidth subpage (no sidebar) added to your site.

Rotator (Not Included in Subpages)
The Rotator does not work on the Subpage Default, but a rotator can be added upon request with a change order and cost.